Comparing AWS Lambda vs Azure Functions for serverless computing

August 10, 2022


Serverless computing has become hugely popular in recent years. Among the major players, AWS Lambda and Azure Functions are two of the most widely used services. But which one is better? In this blog post, we'll compare AWS Lambda and Azure Functions, exploring their pros and cons, and helping you decide which one might be right for your business.

AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is a popular serverless computing platform that allows you to run code without the need for servers or virtual machines. Instead, you can simply upload your code and Lambda will take care of everything else for you.

AWS Lambda is known for its scalability and availability. It's highly reliable, and it can scale automatically to handle high volumes of traffic without you having to do anything.

Azure Functions

Azure Functions is Microsoft's serverless computing platform. It's similar to AWS Lambda in many ways, but with some key differences.

One of the biggest advantages of Azure Functions is that it's highly integrated with other Microsoft services, such as Azure Storage and Azure Cosmos DB. This makes it a great choice for businesses that are already using these services.

AWS Lambda vs Azure Functions

To compare these two services, we'll look at four key areas: pricing, performance, features and integrations.


Both AWS Lambda and Azure Functions offer a pay-as-you-go pricing model. This means that you only pay for the resources you use.

However, AWS Lambda is generally cheaper than Azure Functions. The cost of running a simple function on AWS Lambda is around $0.20 per million requests, while the equivalent cost on Azure Functions is around $0.40 per million requests.


In terms of performance, both AWS Lambda and Azure Functions are highly scalable and can handle large volumes of traffic.

However, AWS Lambda generally has lower latency than Azure Functions. In tests conducted by Cedexis, AWS Lambda had an average latency of 115ms, while Azure Functions had an average latency of 313ms.


Both AWS Lambda and Azure Functions offer a wide range of features, such as automatic scaling, integration with other services, and support for multiple programming languages.

However, AWS Lambda has some additional features that make it stand out. For example, Lambda supports custom runtimes, allowing you to run code written in any programming language.


As mentioned earlier, Azure Functions is highly integrated with other Microsoft services. If your business already uses these services, Azure Functions could be a great option.

However, AWS Lambda also offers a wide range of integrations, including with popular services such as Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon Kinesis.


So, which serverless computing service is best for your business? The answer depends on your specific requirements.

If you're already using Microsoft services and want a highly integrated solution, Azure Functions could be a great choice. On the other hand, if you're looking for a more cost-effective solution and want access to additional features, AWS Lambda might be the better option.

Ultimately, both services are highly scalable, reliable and offer a wide range of features. The decision comes down to your specific needs.


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